


时间:2024-09-11 浏览:来源:智能制造工程系



邮箱:JingWangHH99@163.com/ 20240050@hbut.edu.cn







王静,女,1996.02,籍贯湖北咸宁,是Computers and Industrial Engineering, Computers and Operations Research, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,控制理论与应用等国内外10余种期刊的评审人。在国内外期刊和会议正式发表论文10余篇。


2020.09-2024.06 武汉理工大学/自动化学院      交通信息工程及控制/博士

2017.09-2020.06 福州大学/经济与管理学院      工业工程/硕士

2013.09-2017.06 湖北工业大学/永利yl6776    工业工程/学士


2024/07-至今 湖北工业大学 永利yl6776 讲师



2.参与国家自然科学基金:基于定界多目标优化的区别化生产调度问题研究 (61573264)

3.参与福建省自然科学基金面上项目: 工业数据驱动的柔性SMT生产线的PCB封装智能排程


1.Wang J, Lei D M, Cai J C. An adaptive artificial bee colony with reinforcement learning for distributed three-stage assembly scheduling with maintenance[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 117, 108371. (JCR Q1 中科院1IF:8.7 Top期刊)

2.Wang J, Tang H T, Lei D M. A Q-learning artificial bee colony for distributed assembly flow shop scheduling with factory eligibility, transportation capacity and setup time [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023,123 (A), 106230. (JCR Q1 中科院1IF:7.802 Top期刊)

3.Wang J, Lei D M, Tang H T. An adaptive artificial bee colony for hybrid flow shop scheduling with batch processing machines in casting process[J]. International Journal of Production Research, in press. (JCR Q1 中科院1IF:9.018 Top期刊)

4.Wang J, Lei D M, Tang H T. A feedback-based artificial bee colony algorithm for energy-efficient flexible flow shop scheduling problem with batch processing machines. Applied Soft Computing, 2024,153,111254. (JCR Q1 中科院1IF:8.7 Top期刊)

5.Wang J, Lei D M, Li M B. A Q-learning-based artificial bee colony algorithm for distributed three-stage assembly scheduling with factory eligibility and setup times [J]. Machines, 2022,10,661.  (JCR Q2 中科院3IF:2.899)

6.Wang J, Lei D M, Tang H T. A dynamical artificial bee colony for energy-efficient fuzzy hybrid flow shop scheduling with batch processing machines[J]. Expert Systems with Application, in press.  (JCR Q1 中科院1F:8.665 Top期刊)

7.Li D B, Wang J, Qiang R, Chiong, R.A hybrid differential evolution algorithm for parallel machine scheduling of lace dyeing considering color families, sequence-dependent setup and machine eligibility. International Journal of Production Research, 2021,59(9), 2722-2738. (JCR Q1 中科院1IF:9.018  Top期刊) 硕导一作,本人二作

8.王静, 雷德明. 考虑批处理机的模糊绿色混合流水车间调度问题研究[J]. 控制与决策.录用 (EI )

9.Cai J C, Lei D M, Wang J, Wang L. A novel shuffled frog-leaping algorithm with reinforcement learning for distributed assembly hybrid flow shop scheduling [J]. International Journal of Production Research,61(4), 1233-1251. (JCR Q1 中科院1IF:9.018 Top期刊)

10.Zhu YZ, Wang J, Lei D M. Distributed assembly scheduling problem with three stages and maintenancea new artificial bee colony[C]. 34届中国控制与决策会议.

11.Tang H T, Xiao Y, Lei D M, Wang J, Zhang W. A DQL-NSGAIII algorithm for solving the flexible job shop dynamic scheduling problem[J]. Expert Systems with Application, 2023,237(C),121723. (JCR Q1 中科院1F:8.665 Top期刊)

12.Lei D M, Zhang Y H, Wang J. An artificial bee colony with diversified operators for energy-efficient hybrid flow shop scheduling with batch processing machines [J].Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024,136(B),108930. (JCR Q1 中科院1IF:7.802 Top期刊)

13.Lei D M, Duan S R, Li M B, Wang J. An elite-class teaching-learning-based optimization for reentrant hybrid flow shop scheduling with bottleneck stage[J]. Computers, Materials & Continua,2024,79(1),47-63.(JCR Q2, 中科院3IF:3.772 )



